Before a treatment, your massage therapist will conduct a brief assessment and will then propose a personalized treatment plan based on the results and your health history. The assessment consists of various tests to determine the condition of your muscles and joints. Any personal and health information you provide to your massage therapist is completely confidential and will be safeguarded. Your health record cannot be released or transferred without your written consent. It is important you provide your therapist with all the facts and do not omit any health conditions from your health history (which must be updated annually).
Your massage therapist must also obtain your verbal consent to work on any part of your body, regardless of whether you are fully clothed, or fully or partially covered with sheets or blankets. Only the area being worked on will be exposed at a given time, using specialized draping techniques. There are certain sensitive areas, such as the glutes, chest wall, breasts, and upper inner thigh that written consent must be obtained for prior to treatment and treatment in these areas must be clinically indicated. Your privacy will always be respected, and you may withdraw your consent for treatment at any time.
Various specialized techniques using the hands, wrists, and elbows, over the skin or clothes, make up the massage therapy treatment. The massage therapist will work with your level of pain tolerance during the treatment, and the treatment can be stopped at any time should the treatment become uncomfortable.